Well, I had another ultrasound on Friday morning - my last one! He's up to about 4 pounds, 8 ounces now, which is a little lower on the growth curve, but still growth. The specialist was concerned though because they saw that a section of his umbilical cord is in a tangled mess, and there could be a knot in it. My fluid levels have gone down again too. So he recommended they they keep a close eye on him for one more week, then induce. So I'm scheduled for an induction next week, and unless they need to do it earlier, his birthday should be April 30.
My mom goes home today, so I'm taking myself off bedrest. It will be good for me to have this last week with Shiloh before his world turns even more upside down, but I'm hoping I have the energy to keep up with him. Needless to say, twelve weeks in bed hasn't left me with a lot of extra strength...
We have appreciated everyone's help and prayers over the past few months, and can't wait for our next little man to be here. :)
Family Photos
10 years ago