I'm not even going to try to catch up. So here's what's going on now...
Shiloh won't stop talking, and he's hilarious. His new favorite phrase is "Um, I don't know" and he loves to announce "Hey, I'm awake" when he gets up. He's obsessed with poop - he's always saying, "Mom, don't eat poop. It's gross." and "Ew. It has poopie on it." Very random. He's also teaching Eli from his catechism book. The other day I caught Shiloh on the floor beside Eli saying, "Eli who made you? God made you!" Tonight he was teaching his cars... :) I can't do anything in the kitchen without him dragging a chair over to "help" and I love it, most of the time. He LOVES to make Eli laugh, but still doesn't get that he can't sit on, hit, wrestle, and bonk heads with him. MY most popular phrase lately is "Shiloh, BE GENTLE!"
Eli is the happiest baby I've ever met, and adores his big brother. His face lights up when he sees him, and he laughs at him all the time. He's on his fourth ear infection - we just can't seem to get rid of it - and his eardrum burst today. Hopefully this new antibiotic will take care of it. He's still not rolling over, but he can kick himself around 360 degrees pretty quick. He's also eating rice cereal now, and has figured out how to spew it back into Mommy's face.
Izaak's semester is in full swing, so he's not home a whole lot these days. I'm still trying to figure out whether it's fall yet or not...
Family Photos
10 years ago
The update was so good. It's so good to hear how God has blessed you! I miss you! I can't believe you and Diana, and Ashley all have kids! :)
Thanks for the update!!! Your two little ones are so cute!!! Sounds like things are going well for you!!
so good to "hear" an update anni! your boys are so beautiful! i'm sure you have so many stories, thanks for sharing little highlights :) miss you so much!
SOOO cute! I can't believe how much Eli looks like Shiloh did! I loved hearing your Shiloh update. So much of that sounds like Adrianna. Perhaps since they were born on the same day they got a special gene. :) Wish they could play together!
Awww!!! The boys have changed so much since we saw you at the beginning of summer! Hope you are doing well!
this is great blog!
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